About Us

Elemenity is a small team of based in Seattle, Washington. We’re building the devices we wanted ourselves. Lately, we’ve noticed:

  • Devices tend to be more locked down
  • Devices are designed to need frequent replacing. This is bad for the individual as well as the planet.
  • Software is getting slower faster than hardware is getting faster. Everything feels slow.

Our Plan

We’re designing our devices in a way to solve these issues:

  • Highly customizable systems. When you buy a device from us, it is yours in every sense of the word. We make it easy to modify your device, from customizing themes to modifying behavior and adding third-party applications.
  • Our devices are modular, and allow for hardware upgrades. Unlike your smartphone which is designed to be replaced every few years, our devices can be easily upgraded if you want a faster device in the future. Upgrades are as easy as snapping together puzzle pieces.
  • We have a background in snappy and efficient software. We actually test our software on much slower hardware before shipping, to ensure its as fast as possible.

Our Background.

Before starting Elemenity, our team worked in various areas of technology. We aim to bring our experience to building awesome personal gadgets.

Some things we’ve worked on:

  • high performance software systems
  • low level software for electronics
  • game development